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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Obox-Ob Defeated as Prince of Demons Last Night

The thud heard round the Universe, (Obox-ob as Prince has fallen)

Last night’s Obox-Ob as prince of demon’s fight was an impressive testament to team work and everyone knowing their jobs.

I have found that huge endgame runs such as this really seem to bring the group together, and the sum becomes greater than the individual parts.

The key to a Demon Prince is on everyone focusing their fire power on him. Though that is not really enough, everything must happen in the correct order with each class knowing what to do when.

Thus one of your arcanes starts the spawn with Death of Magic, initiating the fight so that the rest of the Prince spawn appears without buffs etc.

Then a well timed Immutable Force is key, this gives the group a much needed 30 seconds of invulnerability. The druid then needs to use Natures Frailty, to bring down the Prince’s spell resistance as fast as possible, if this is followed up with several Natures’ Balance spells, then this allows the arcanes to get to work.

It is the Tanks job to be on the Prince applying pressure and keeping his regeneration in check. If they have used a Constitution enhancing artifact and have Breath of the Beast available, this is the time to use it and inflict the prince with fire vulnerability for a short time.

The cleric needs to get Blade Barrier under the Prince and being using mass heals on the party to keep us fighting.

Our Bard must Curse quick and use taunt on the Prince to bring his ac down thus giving the tanks an opening to do their jobs. Healing spirit and healing circle are his next priorities. As well as a quick song for anyone who goes down.

Just as Immute is about to go down it is up to the leader to time and call for Starfires (this Epic spell does a large amount of magic damage in a large area and inflicts magic vulnerability for a short time.) If the Starfires are well timed, this also provides another few seconds breathing room.

Once all this is in place; then it finally comes down to who wants it most, and how much heart your party has. As people go down and are resurrected only to go down again. This is when people start thinking about limbo; this is when parties break as one then two then most begin hiding in Greater Sanctuary looking for a way out of the crushing spawn.

 These epic battles are the forge fires for true heroes, they are the test and temper of their will to fight and these fires burn bright every night on Higher Ground.

Just want to share a tiny taste of a Demon Prince Fight.


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