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Monday, November 7, 2011

Neverwinter Nights Higher Ground Pet a Paluzza:

Neverwinter Nights Higher Ground Pet a Paluzza:

Last night I logged onto Higher Ground to start our nightly guild run and had to chuckle out loud as I was greeted by a menagerie of strange creatures standing on the docks of Ascension.  
There was a Balor, Dragon, Dust White, Sanguineous Drinker and an Adaru all hanging out on the docks like a vignette from the Star Wars cantina (Minus the music thankfully).
As I stepped on the docks, immediately I got tells from three different players asking me if I have tried out the new pets! New pets who, what?
Well the HG Dev team is always working on something amazing and this was no exception. Pretty much all the summons at every level, familiars and epic summons have all been reworked to scale up to their master’s level. Add to this that the variety has been drastically increased as well and you have a Pet a Paluzza.
Many regular players on the mod, logged in and began trying out all of these new helpers. I must admit that my Pariah (A class specific to Higher Ground) did join in this mission of discovery, summoning my little pixie to see if her open locks, find traps and other skills had been bumped. And they had! That means that my Pix will be even more useful than usual what a great surprise!
Once we started our run Werehound Silverfang (Who is an HG DM and Dev) was playing a cleric as we ran Stygia (The fifth layer of the Hells). He was having a blast and making us all laugh with the quantity and variety of the summons his cleric was able produce. It was a very fun memorable run as his cleric produced Balors, Pit Fiends, Maryliths, Adaru was well as dominating an Orthon to help out the party.
Thus I would count Higher Ground’s Pet a Paluzza a huge success.
bb.hgweb.org (Come try it out and join the fun)


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