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Monday, July 4, 2011

Pale Night Special Event

It was the dark of the moon, The Palace of the Sun was still, the perfume of the gardens and the play of the water along the canals adding to a sense of quietude and peace.

A peace that was not shared by the palace’s ruler.

Upon a golden couch the lord of the sun tossed and turned in a restless fevered sleep.

“The Mother, she is the danger” he mutters

“She will take the wand in place of her son”, very faint.

“All the worlds in ruins, the Obyriths returned through the power of the Wand, Noooooo!”

Pelor sat bolt upright, as he was jolted out of a troubled sleep. Old he was and wise, but this night he felt all of his millennia, and looked more like an old man full of angst than the greater god he was.

“Send a Deva to Zerial, the danger is great and time is short. Someone must be found who can prevent what I have just seen from happening.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Through much research and divining, it has been learned that Graz’tz’s mother Pale Night who is an Obyrith, a race so ancient and powerful as to predate Demon kind, will attempt dupe her own son in an attempt to steal the Wand of Orcus from him.

Should she succeed, Pale Night intends to use the wand’s power over undeath to bring back the race of Obyriths in an attempt to once again rule all of the planes of existence.

It has been learned that a party of adventurers seeking the wand's parts, have negotiated a pact with Graz’tz and are close to having all the pieces of the wand in their possession.

Pale Night intends to confront the adventurers, take the wand’s pieces from them before they can reach her son.

Thus the Celestial Council has formulated a very desperate plan.  A group of adventurers of truly extreme power must infiltrate the very heart of Graz’tz domain,  Azzarat Palace.

Shielded buy the powers of good, they will appear to Pale Night as the party that is bringing the wand pieces to Graz’tz for their reward.

It is hoped, that this ruse may draw Pale Night to the party allowing them to find and bring to battle a being that has a form so twisted as to be beyond the ken of mortals and gods alike.

This is a Higher Ground extreme event; it is only open to characters that are x5 demi and above. The risk of multiple limbos is very high! You have been warned!

As an Extreme Event the DM’s gloves are off, and no mercy will be shown!
But the rewards will be great as well![/color][/center]

There will be only 2 events, should more than 20 players wish to participate DM staff will roll to determine who gets the spots.

Repeats will only be allowed to fill cores for the event and only at the last minute.

In fairness to those who are not x5 demi but wish to participate. The event will be scheduled 5 weeks out so as to allow those players time to demi and become eligible.

Once again thank you HG DM/ DEV team for making this possible.

Since this event is scheduled 5 weeks out the DM staff has asked me to remind you that a no show without warning will result in the player not being eligible to pre register for events and said player will be allowed to participate in events as a last minute standby only from then on.